BuzziPleat – the elegant acoustic solution.

The architectural folds of the stylish BuzziPleat element deliver exceptional acoustic performance. The sculptural shapes can be attached to the ceiling or the wall.

Buzzispace Buzzipleat Akustikelement Buero Empfang Konferenz Neudoerfler

A product from BuzziSpace.

Sound-absorbent elegance.

BuzziPleat combines tried-and-tested techniques of fashion design with a modern stylistic idiom for an elegant way to reduce noise levels. Each pleat is folded and laced by hand to ensure maximum quality. The striking folds absorb sounds and prevent sound waves from being bounced between hard surfaces.

BuzziPleat handmade acoustic solution black and white Neudoerfler
Buzzispace Buzzipleat Akustik Dekoration Schallabsorbierend Buero Meetingraum Neudoerfler