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Austrian eco-label

The Austrian eco-label provides consumers with the basis on which to make environmentally friendly purchase decisions. The quality seal awarded by the government stands for ecological industry and is used to label environmentally friendly products and services.

In August 2019, Neudoerfler became the first company in Burgenland to be certified with the Austrian eco-label.

Austrian eco-label


Neudoerfler Office Systems has held the PEFC certificate since 11.10.2016 and produces all certified Neudoerfler and planmöbel products at the Neudörfl site in accordance with the certification requirements.

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is the world’s leading institution for the promotion, safeguarding and marketing of sustainable forest management. Wood and wood products with the PEFC seal are verified as originating from ecologically, economically and socially sustainable forestry.

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Integrated Quality Management System (ISO 9001)

EN ISO 9001 lays out the minimum requirements for a quality management system (QM system) that an organisation needs to satisfy in order to supply products and services that meet both customer expectations and any official requirements. Neudoerfler Office Systems has been certified since 19.12.2008 and refines established procedures and guidelines as part of a continuous process of improvement. The listing at the competent certification body can be found at www.systemcert.at.

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Integrated Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)

Neudoerfler Office Systems has also been ISO 14001 certified since February 2014. In other words, it also verifiably places great value on ecological interests and fulfils its contribution to environmental and climate protection.

The official and statutory requirements as well as the stipulations of the Neudoerfler management in respect of environmental protection are written down, implemented and monitored at Neudoerfler and planmöbel with the aid of this environmental management system. The listing at the competent certification body can be found at www.systemcert.at.

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Austria quality seal

The Austria quality seal is an identifying mark and – thanks to ongoing quality monitoring – a guarantee of domestic quality. It marks products that have an Austrian share in the value of the finished product (including the costs of raw material, semi-manufactured products, accessories, expertise etc.) of at least 50 percent.

Download certificates Austria Quality Seal

State Coat of Arms

Neudoerfler is a state-awarded company and a state-awarded training company and may therefore display the federal coat of arms of the Republic of Austria. Neudoerfler has held the State Coat of Arms since 1976 and is awarded by it for extraordinary and innovative services to the Austrian economy.

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AUVA quality seal "safe and healthy working"

The protection of our employees is important to us. We have been showing this with the AUVA quality seal since 2024. It is an award for companies that demonstrate a special commitment to health and safety in the workplace. The AUVA quality seal "safe and healthy working" confirms that neudoerfler demonstrably implements safe and healthy working conditions.

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